What a ride it has been! We have survived 2021 and are now moving into the unknown of 2022.
So many people are wondering – what should we expect in the next 11 months of the year?
The only thing we can be certain of…is that it will be based on uncertainty.
I am an entrepreneur and the one thing that I tell people is that being in business is like building a plane on the way down. You aren’t sure exactly how you are going to do what needs to be done, but when it’s all on the line, you find a way.
You also have to be comfortable, with being uncomfortable. I think a lot of us were getting used to this feeling last year. The one thing in social media is that change is a constant. It is not something you have to think about as this far-off aspect that only comes up every once in a while, it is part of your EVERY day. And this my friends, isn’t about to change in 2022. If anything, it will be more prominent. So, what will we do in 2022 to embrace this?
Move 1 – Diversify Your Social Media
I stated this early in 2021 – if you are only on one platform, and that one is part of the new Metaverse (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) then you need to add some new platforms. The worst position you can put your business in is being beholden to just one company. If the Metaverse falls tomorrow – what will you have to show for it?
If you are on Facebook consider adding Twitter or TikTok. Instagram? Look at Pinterest and TikTok. For businesses, while not my favorite platform, LinkedIn is always a solid bet.
Each platform has its own unique benefits.
Facebook still has the best ad platform out there and the groups are an excellent place to interact with your clients and potential customers.
Instagram is still strong with many demographics and is working to replicate the fame of TikTok. Therefore, it is still working on innovating and staying relevant. I think Facebook is just working on staying under the radar and existing, to be honest.
Pinterest is ideal for just about any type of business because not only is it a visual platform – it is based on keywords and not an algorithm that ranks a feed. Is an algorithm at play? Of course. But the main driving factor is the keywords. Even if a pin doesn’t have any type of repins for weeks, even months, it will show up if it is relevant and then one day, it can just go viral for no specific reason at all.
LinkedIn, as I said, is a solid bet for businesses. It is set up to embolden employees and mainly works for a recruiting tool, but it can be a great tool for visibility.
TikTok is the newest and fastest-growing app out there. If you have someone that can be the face of your company – then find a way to join the TikTok community. Soon…really, stop reading and go at least set up your account. I’ll wait….
Snapchat – yes, it is still around and still relevant in some demographics. If you are looking to tune into the teen market, then this is a place where you should be active.
Twitch is the ideal platform for gamers and other serious hobbyists. Check it out if you have some solid niches that might be active here.
Twitter is the platform that I am convinced will always keep going. It is for news and the up to the minute conversations. If you want to know what is happening in your market – then make sure you are on Twitter. Even if you don’t tweet – get on to listen to the chatter so that you can engage on other platforms.
Move 2 – Build Your Email List
If you haven’t already, start building your email list. You can do this in a variety of ways but here are my top moves to make.
In-person – ask for it!
If you have a brick-and-mortar location then ask for the emails at your point of sale. This is the best and fastest way to get emails. Go to festivals or any other in-person events? Then make sure to set up a way to collect emails. These are excellent times because most people are more than willing to give their emails in person. Online it takes a bit more convincing.
Add a pop-up on your website.
If you have a website (and you absolutely, most definitely need one) then add a pop-up asking for their email to be added to your newsletter so you can send out events and coupons. Even if you don’t plan on sending out newsletters on a regular basis, you are gaining information for future events and marketing. Plan now for tomorrow…remember, you are planning for the change that is always coming. If you don’t have social media in the future then how will you reach your customers?
Social Media!
You knew I would get there eventually right? Ask your followers for their email by offering something in return. Possibly create a checklist that they will need, or an e-book full of helpful information. When you are willing to give them something, then they are more willing to give you their email.
No one really wants to give away their email. So make sure you are considerate and make it worth their while. Offer them useful tips and ensure that they receive value by signing up. This is the key to building a successful list.
Move 3 – SEO Your Website
Yes, I am talking about your website again.
You need someplace to drive your customers from your social media. Your website is the ideal place for your static information and to ensure that you can track the data you have coming in. As more and more information is restricted from our view – this is one of the few areas where we can ensure we gather SOMETHING to help us make our next move for success in our business. By investing in SEO you can ensure that people are seeing your site on Google or other search engines. No one wants to be on page two of Google – our businesses need to be seen to succeed and that takes a multi-prong approach.
BONUS MOVE for EVERY Year – Plan
This is a move that isn’t just for 2022. This is for every year, month, week, and day. Planning is an essential part of your business and planning your social media is just as important as every other item on your to-do list. Yet often it can seem overwhelming and rather daunting. To help you achieve this very important task and have a successfully planned social media strategy in 2022 we created the Social Media Success Planner.
Our planner is launching this month and we are so excited to show this to you! Check out our next post with all the information and how to get one. If you aren’t signed up for our newsletter yet – then make sure you sign up to get yours when they launch.
Need help implementing any of these moves for 2022 or just have a comment? We would love to hear from you!